Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Summary of my moving day 10/4/11

Woke up at 8:40, went to get the U-haul at 9:00.  Brought it back home, ran around the house to put something in my car.  Hit a patch of mud, slid and fell HARD.  It road rashed my leg pretty well. 
I got something out of my trunk.  I forgot that the bike rack was on the trunk.  It kindly punched me in the eye as I closed the trunk back… 
We moved furniture into the 6’X12’ trailer most of the day.  That went about as well as it could.  I just happen to be good at finding a lot of void spaces to cram stuff.
Went to return the modem and cable box.  I swear, every single car got in front of me and slowed down.  I checked with Kristin to make sure It wasn’t just me. 
Went to eat at La Hacienda Ranch for the last time.  Kids at the table next to us were screaming and carrying on and their parents just seemed to think it was funny.  Kristin offered to pay and when the waitress saw her put the card in the binder she looked at me and said “So, the lady is picking up the check tonight?”  I felt like saying “Oh yeah… I’m a HUGE Douchebag.” And grin back at her.  Instead I just looked at Kristin having a laughing attack at my day. 

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